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Martín Di Doménico

Senior Engineering Manager @ OLX Group


Martín, aka Tincho for almost everyone, is Senior Engineering Manager at OLX. He's passionate about Node.js and has been coding in it since its very early days. He's currently leading the architecture evolution of the new OLX global platform.

details about the talk

Continuous web performance monitoring using Node.js

We keep hearing about how important performance is for the web this days. Time to first byte, time to interactive, time to load, and a plethora of other metrics are available out there for us to check how good our user experience is. But given so many metrics, which ones should we be paying attention to? And how do we proactively monitor the impact of our changes to those metrics? By sharing my experience and learnings out of leading teams focused on emerging markets and slow mobile networks, I expect to throw some light over this topic and how to use Node.js to automate its monitoring and integration into our development processes.